Tracy Williams

Tracy Williams (Sesemiya) is a fifth generation cedar weaver and member of the Squamish Nation. Tracy has had many teachers and is invested in sharing her knowledge with youth to continue the foraging and hand technology traditions of her culture.

Tracy has worked for 10 years with the Squamish Education Centre as a Secondary School counselor, and has developed numerous programs for connecting Squamish youth to traditional hand technologies and traditional living off the land programs including week-long survival camps with the Wilderness Living Project. Tracy Williams was also a participating artist in the Uts’am/Witness Project teaching Cedar weaving in the Elaho Valley to project participants. Tracy has worked teaching youth the traditions and protocol with traditional regalia and was recognized in 2006 as an Outstanding Supporter of Youth by the city of North Vancouver in recognition and appreciation of her work with Aboriginal Youth in the North Shore community.


Squamish Weaver Shares her skills (North Shore News, 2015)